66pusher changelog

66pusher currently has a total of 4 updates ✨ from 14 July, 2024 🗓️.

The latest 66pusher version is 3.0.0 and it was released on 18 August, 2024.

All of the updates for 66pusher will be displayed on this page. 66pusher versioning is based on the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH system.

Update 3.0.0 - 18 August, 2024

  • Implemented the new fully-featured Personal Notifications system.
  • Implemented the ability to segment subscribers based on custom parameters.
  • Implemented the Personal Notifications API endpoints for Create, Update, Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented the Segments API endpoints for Create, Update, Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented the Flows API endpoints for Create, Update, Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented the Campaigns API endpoints for Create, Update, Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented the Websites API endpoints for Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented the Subscribers API endpoints for Retrieve one, all and Delete.
  • Implemented current month widget statistics for the admin panel dashboard.
  • Implemented the ability to use user variables for the Custom JS field in the admin panel - settings - custom js page.
  • Implemented the ability to use user variables for the Custom JS field in the admin panel - settings - custom js page.
  • Implemented quick look subscribers chart in the Subscribers page.
  • Implemented users top Cities statistics data in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented users top used Devices statistics data in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented users top used Browsers statistics data in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented users top used OS statistics data in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented Payments Processors percentage used stats in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented Payments Plans percentage used stats in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented Payments Types percentage used stats in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented Payments Frequencies percentage used stats in the admin panel - statistics page.
  • Implemented the ability to set a custom Reply To email & name for the SMTP (email) system.
  • Implemented the ability to set CC & BCC emails for the SMTP (email) system.
  • Admin panel - languages page will now show the amount of users and percentage that people are on a specific language.
  • Reworked the theme default color to a more vibrant and nicer one.
  • Reworked the dashboard chart style and added more data.
  • Reworked the captcha integration to support dark styles as well.
  • Fixed various caching issues throughout the product.
  • Fixed website subscribe button display set to false by default.
  • Fixed filtering issues in the campaigns system.

Update 2.0.0 - 27 July, 2024

  • Implemented the ability to filter by city names on Segments, Flows & Campaigns.
  • Implemented the ability to duplicate Campaigns.
  • Implemented the ability to duplicate Flows.
  • Added new FAQ section with new details in the Help page.
  • Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
  • Fixed caching issue in the dashboard.
  • Fixed using special characters/ apostrophe's in the push notifications system.
  • Fixed admin panel - settings - license page not properly working.
  • Fixed scheduled campaigns timing not properly taking into consideration timezone of the user.
  • Fixed total subscribers counter in the homepage not properly counting.
  • Fixed documentation for whatsapp new subscribers notifications tutorial.

Update 1.1.0 - 16 July, 2024

  • Install modal will now automatically trigger after a website is added.
  • Fixed service worker download button not triggering the actual download.
  • Fixed default install folder permissions.
  • Fixed missing geo tracking database missing for statistics.

Initial release - 14 July, 2024